Saturday, 7 March 2009

I hate being the new boy!

Had my first day at my new school today and I hated it! Why did I have to move and leave all my friends? Making new friends is so difficult.
My new teacher is Mrs Ebbels and she is horrible, her breath smells like she's just been breathing fire - shes a dragon for sure! She sat me next to Bradley Chalkers who nobody seems to like but I don't mind sitting next to him, really. Well, I had to give him my dollar because he said he would spit on me - I hope he doesn't want money off me every day!
I hope I make friends with people soon, I hate being the new boy.


  1. well you should try to talk to them and get to know them better so you could be friends!

  2. wow thats cool we could be freinds is that ok

  3. Well you should talk to them when its play time because if u speak at classroom might get caught and get detinention or strike so just be respecfull with other people don't worry about Bradley chalkers his just makeing you leave and sad I Hope this will help you bro


  5. Had my first day at my new school today and I hated it! Why did I have to move and leave all my friends? Making new friends is so difficult.
    My new teacher is Mrs Ebbels and she is horrible, her breath smells like she's just been breathing fire - shes a dragon for sure! She sat me next to Bradley Chalkers who nobody seems to like but I don't mind sitting next to him, really. Well, I had to give him my dollar because he said he would spit on me - I hope he doesn't want money off me every day!
    I hope I make friends with people soon, I hate being the new boy.
    Posted by MissG@ShirleyWarren at 02:38
    jokerspade said...
    well you should try to talk to them and get to know them better so you could be friends!

    10 March 2009 08:53
    Rafal said...
    wow thats cool we could be freinds is that ok

    10 March 2009 08:56
    Dragon Force said...
    Well you should talk to them when its play time because if u speak at classroom might get caught and get detinention or strike so just be respecfull with other people don't worry about Bradley chalkers his just makeing you leave and sad I Hope this will help you bro

    10 March 2009 08:58
    Rafal said...

    10 March 2009 09:00
    Rafal said...
    Jeff Fishkin Rocks!

  6. my first day at shirley warren was alright but why dont you like to be new is it beacuase you are shy or get bullied. i'll be your freind as i am freinds with bradley chalkers.

    your mate caluum gooch

  7. Dude just calm and make people laugh accept bradley forget about bradley chlakers you know his really naughty just stay away from him and ignore him because you just might get introuble because of him so just make people laugh then talk to them then u might be friends with them...

  8. rafal keeps copying so do not trust him

  9. I think Jeff can be friends with all of you. Can you remember your first day at school? What advice can you give to Jeff?

  10. Some advice is that maybe you could talk to the teacher about your problems then maybe she will help you out.

  11. Dont care about what everybody else thinks about you because in the end you decide who is your friend.

  12. dont be brads friend is my advice

  13. My advice is Help people out talk to them in playground not at classroom obviously then u will be friend but don't be friend with bradley you know his bad boy and naughty Dude I HOPE THIS WILL HELP U OUT!
